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12 Jul 2017

5 secrets of mastering time management

‘All I want is time. I just need more time’. ‘Where did the time fly by so suddenly?’

Ever found these questions bugging you in the back of your mind? Of course you have. Everyone has, everyday in their life, multiple times a day. Time management is the problem everyone faces, it be a school going kid , a college student or an office goer. Even people who have nothing to do often end up thinking the million dollar question ‘I got so much time, what should I do with it?’ Time management is a concept on which everyone has always got something to say. And today, we got something to say on it too. What’s the actual secret to managing our time? How do I complete something before time? Can I ever hope to properly manage and balance my time? So many questions, and we got your back.


Sitting down with a coffee in the balcony and deciding what will make your day highly successful, what can help you in achieving your goals, and at the end of the day how will you feel productive? Write all those things down in a diary which will remind you to focus on the things that you have planned to do. This will not only help you in prioritize but also by this you’ll not waste your time in thinking about your next assignments. This will save your time as well and it’ll be satisfying that you have completed your to-do-list by the end of the day. This ability will use your time in a manner which ultimately serves your goal.

One thing at a time

Things will go wrong many a times. You might have a lot of things to do in your day but you can’t do them all at once, each task take it’s own time and if you do it patiently, the results that will come up will be more satisfying.You could try to concentrate in getting more done but you’ll definitely end up in making more of mistakes and unfortunately you will have to spent more time in correcting it. Generally to save a little time people push themselves into multitasking overdrive, which will end into slacking off. We have confused quantity with quality and if you pursue multi tasking, your work will never achieve that level, you wanted it to be. So, cease multi tasking right now and focus on doing one thing at a time more effectually.


Take out time for yourself

Invest your time in productive work but don’t forget to take out time for yourself. Taking a break will allow you to refocus, it will charge up your body. You can do anything you like and which is relaxing also, maybe reading a book or going out for an ice cream, watching netflix or chilling with your friends, it will not only give rest to your body but also refresh your mind and generate more innovative ideas. If you love cooking then you should definitely try it because it will rejuvenate your taste buds and will make you happy and you’ll be more focused in your work. You need to motivate yourself to take actions. Your happiness will be shown in your work automatically.


It should always begin with eliminating the task that you are not going to perform. After completing this, switch your focus to the most valuable work. Spend your resources and time on setting your prioritise. If you’ll not prioritise, you’ll definitely somehow misuse your time and everyone knows time is money. The biggest problem that most people struggle with is they start prioritisation very late, they never make prioritisation their priority. If something does not need to be done today don’t fret about it. Take your time and pressure off from you.


Sleep is mandatory

Sleep plays an important role in your physical health and don’t compromise with it in anyway, because a tired body will never give you efficient results. Your sleeping schedule will create a huge difference in your routine as well as behaviour. Proper sleep will make your body stress free and relaxing. The outcome of getting proper sleep hours will be shown in your work as well. And if you don’t get enough sleep you will feel drowsy and irritated all the time, struggling in making decisions and remembering things. Your work performance might fall as well.


Source: Tanisha Gupta


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