Music is quite possibly the truest form of art. It soothes the heart, relaxes the mind and often takes one in a trance. So why is it that the art of music is not often considered the one that can earn you a livelihood? Well, we’re here to answer exactly that and break the myth […]
More than 80% of marketing is taking place online in the age of social media.
It’s true, marketing and advertisements run the world. And in a time when the entire world is fitted and accessible with a device that fits into your pocket, it is not such a shocker when we tell you that more than 80% of marketing and advertisements that you see are taking place on Social Media. […]
What is most cost effective way to handle social media for a small business?
Let’s assume you are a small business house. Now the one thing you would want to do with your business is to maintain a steady income while growing your business. And the one other thing that you would definitely want to do but are having a hard time trying to figure out is to grow […]
Do individuals artists need social media marketing?
Social Media is not just a thing for the millennials. It is quite truly a shift and revolution in the way we communicate and connect. Businesses are moving online and several have transformed into overnight inspirational stories of success. And not only for communicating, social media has transformed the way we view all of our […]
How to make a post viral in 3 easy steps?
Ever wonder how these random viral posts actually become viral? Think Rebecca Black’s Friday song. Under no condition did that song deserve to become so viral. But before you start with your hypothesis, we must understand that there is a very critical and simple play here that you can use to get your post viral. […]
Marketing firms can take your business places
Let’s assume you are a business. A business needs two very crucial factors to facilitate growth. One being the ability to reach out to the largest potential audience, and the second is making customers out of this potential audience. Well, you need quality products and services as well, but if you are planning to make […]
How artists are selling their art online?
The internet is nothing short of a magnificent boon for the world. Not only does it help us connect better with everyone on the planet, it has become the one true source for all sorts of information, right at the tap of a few buttons. And so it was only a matter of time before […]
Advertising online is simple, affordable and approachable.
Advertising is not just a skill, it’s a part of life. Believe it or not, every aspect of our life is affected by advertising. From the water that you drink, to the car that you drive, everything is a part of the advertisements process. In our world, advertising is what drives desires. Advertising is what […]
How to spot a genuine digital marketing agency?
In a world where almost everyone is on every social media, it becomes difficult to even be sure what’s trending and relevant. And if you are a business that is looking to grow via platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. it’s going to be a tough job even deciding where to start. And maybe […]
2017 will see physical markets disappear
We know it’s hard to believe, but it’s 2017 already. And whether you like it or not, the future is now. We live in a world where in our pockets lies a computer more powerful than the one that landed the man on the moon. And with a growing presence of mobile phones, tablets, laptops, […]