The Buzz: “Whether you think from your left brain or right, you are bound to find something pertinent to your liking”
The Bizz:
Roomash is an international media platform with headquarters at New Delhi, India. It covers myriad of content and articles ranging from art, music, movies, and college events to sports, news politics and featured businesses. Still in its nascent stages of development, the idea behind Roomash is to become an all inclusive platform where people of various different backgrounds can find something relatable, whether you think from your left brain or right, you are bound to find something pertinent to your liking. The content providers – this is where it gets interesting – will be constituted of a dynamic group of people ranging from fashion bloggers to businesses who want to share their two-cents on the topic they are erudite in. The readers on the other hand can enjoy the luxury of getting edified in any field fathomable and have inordinate amounts of disposable content available to them on just a single platform.
Albeit, the project is now in its tracks, the idea was conceived about a year ago but due to lack of time – as multiple projects were running simultaneously – and the entire team being preoccupied on a diversified group of projects, the undertaking for Roomash was stymied. Roomash traces its steps back to a two week event wherein designers and bloggers from around the city swarmed in to turn walls into canvases and cover each room of the Shamoor headquarters into a theme based party place. After the magnanimous success of this event and the inkling of converting Roomash into an international platform, came the whisk of motivation and steps were taken to carry the vision to fruition.
In the famous words of Maya Angelou – “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you” – which is why Roomash felt the predilection to share their own.